Art Play Date
Art Play Date is a monthly get-together for women to create and connect
and it happens the third Saturday of every month.
The next Art Play Date is November 23!
What we do
Art Play Date is where women gather, connect, and work on a creative project that we've brought along. It's a safe place where we can connect with like minded people, and get ignited by the creative group energy.
You can bring any creative project with you to work on!
We will have draws for gifts!
Everyone who comes is automatically entered.
Where it is
All Art Play Dates are held at Earth Heart Studio,
709 Allard Boulevard, SW, Edmonton, Alberta.
The studio is open from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm but come anytime and stay as long or little as you like. It's informal!
Bring slippers or indoor shoes and dress in layers as the studio is the basement of Chris' home.
Bring a lunch or something to eat. Water, tea and snacks will be provided. There is a microwave in case you want to heat any food.
The cost is $20.